Thursday, September 2, 2010

EPA warns Pavillion, Wyoming-area residents of contaminated water wells

"PAVILLION -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recommended that several Pavillion-area residents with private water wells find alternate sources of water for drinking and cooking.

The recommendation applies to at least 20 water wells, and that number could increase, according to the EPA.

EnCana Oil and Gas USA, which operates oil and gas wells interspersed throughout the farm and ranch community, has agreed to provide funding to a third party which will provide treatment or an alternate source of drinking water. However, details are not yet worked out.

The health concern is based on high sodium and sulfates that EPA officials believe are naturally occurring in the groundwater, and on the detection of petroleum compounds that officials believe shouldn't be in the groundwater.

EPA officials have not yet determined the source of the petroleum hydrocarbons, but they plan to make that determination in the agency's ongoing investigation." More>>>>

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