The New Mexican
Posted: Friday, October 30, 2009 - 10/3
"By comparison, the cuts being considered by Secretary Joanna Prukop of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department sound benign — but they're not:
The highly professional Prukop went, service by service, through her domain, figuring out which job vacancies she could least afford to hold open. Many were in law-enforcement at our state parks — a chilling prospect, which might include closed parks.
Besides considering furloughs for scores of employees, she's taking a hard look at 11 job vacancies in the environmentally crucial oil-conservation office. That could mean a two-thirds reduction in field inspections; intervals during which lots of groundwater lies at risk.
Felizmente, Prukop has listed other budget-cutting possibilities that are at least a little less dire.
It's the same scene around state government — which, for all the criticism it gets, performs vast amounts of service" More>>>>