Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alaskan Oil Tax Boondoggle?

Excerpts from a column at truthdig:

"Welcome to the People’s Republic of Alaska, where every resident this year will get a $3,200 payout."....

..."Since 1982, the Alaska Permanent Fund, which invests oil revenues from state lands, has paid out a dividend on invested oil loot to everyone who has been in the state for a year."....

..."(A) state whose residents pay no income or sales taxes but are blessed with state coffers rolling in cash at a time when all other states are suffering. Indeed, when the oil companies pay more taxes to the state of Alaska, they get to write that off against their federal tax obligation, leaving the rest of us to make up the shortfall."...

..."Alaska, despite its oil boom, is still at the top of states subsidized by federal dollars, receiving $1.84 back from Washington for every $1 that Alaskans pay in federal taxes. (California receives 78 cents for every $1.)" More>>>>

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