Monday, March 7, 2011

Oil-slick sleight of hand

Email from Kim:

"Hello friends

I wish there were an easier more predictable way for use to make ourselves heard, but here’s the update:

HB 422 and SB 421, the twin bill s that would allow mineral rights owners absolute veto over State historic listing of any property or district, did NOT get heard last week.

If you haven’t contacted legislators to oppose these, there is still time, especially for SB 421. See earlier e-mails for phone numbers.

If there’s any chance of attending a hearing, here is the most current info:

HB 422 is one of 4 bills up in front of House Energy & Natural Resources, (Egolf’s committee). They will meet Monday the 7th at 8:30 am, different room than usual: room 309.

The good news is that with the early schedule, they can be counted on to meet when they say.

SB 421 will be in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. They meet in Room 321, “at 2:30 or half an hour after the main Senate floor session ends”. It is one of 14 bills on their agenda.

I spent Friday from 2:30 till 6:00 when the committee actually convened, and then found they’d dropped 421 from the day’s agenda. It’s frustrating, but if you can spare the time, our voices are needed.

You may have seen the New Mexican editorial about how Bratton’s Brats (the HENRC GOP) maneuvered HB 297 (weakening the Oil Conservation Division) past HENRC using technicalities, contrived absences, and quorum manipulation. Read the editorial, then call or e-mail to express your disapproval and ask Reps to oppose it on the floor of the House.

We’re all getting tired, but only 13 more days to go. Do whatever you can, please.


Link to editorial>>>>

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